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A Note on Our Approach

 Each of our trips takes us to diverse, often beautiful physical environments and to cultures from which we have much to learn.


Our approach emphasizes person-to-person contact, achieved both through scheduled visits to markets, schools, friend’s homes, festivals, monasteries and other spiritual places and in spontaneous opportunities to observe/join in as we travel along. We “join in” because we are clear that local people appreciate genuine, respectful curiosity and engagement., and that this is a key way for us to learn, too.


We work with small in-country travel companies and employ excellent local guides and resource people--many who have become dear friends. $40-50 of each traveler’s fee is reserved to give as contributions for local projects. We want to know each traveler’s interests and seek to include these interests in our trips.


We seek to create a relaxed travel group in which we both support each other and respect others’ privacy. This seems to work, as many travel with us several times and say that our trips (and participants) are fun, supportive, inspiring.


An example is B.B. of Tempe, Az. who wrote after our 2014 Central Asia and Turkey visit: “Today, I caught up with a friend and talked about our trip. Once again, the whole experience seemed remarkable, almost a dream (pleasant one!). I re-lived many of our people encounters, most of which wouldn't have happened if you, dear Roger, hadn't been our “way-shower.” Thanks, again, for a wonderful trip, one that I will never forget.”


And another: “Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, kindness, and general joie de vivre during the trip. It was, as I anticipated, a super experience.” S.K.Albuquerque, NM (Laos & Vietnam)


Please contact us to learn more about our upcoming trips and let of know your interests.  Thank you.

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